In a creative slump? Have you tried LEGO?

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Every content creator suffers from blockage sometimes. When you’re just staring at that blinking cursor with no idea how to get that first word out – or what the first word should even be – try some of these ideas to get your brain sparking again.

  • LEGO of all your worries… get a bunch of LEGO and write one word or phrase that relates to your content on each block. Then start playing, mixing & matching, look at old connections and new ones.
  • Refresh old content… Search through your archives for old posts & topics that can be expanded upon, updated, or adapted into a new format.
  • Go old fashioned… grab a pen rather than a computer keyboard.
  • Get out… Leave your current workspace and try a new one. Or put work aside and visit a museum, a coffee shop, or a bookstore, or a music concert. Try colour therapy books – even 20 minutes with pencils and ink can refresh your brain. Meditate with an app like Headspace, or hand-wash your dishes in the sink. Switch off, so you can switch back on later.
  • Ask for help…  Present your topic or point of focus to a fellow marketer, a friend, a college student, someone from HR or accounting, a customer – anyone who’s creative, passionate, and willing to give you an hour of their day, and who has a different viewpoint to yours. Write down everything they respond with. Even if you don’t think it’s relevant right now, it might be later.
  • Jump into a research hole… Find one aspect of the topic or project that is unique and interesting. Focus on it; read everything you can about it.
  • Engage the community… User-generated content is great for engagement. Or you could try partnering up with another business, both of you helping each other out for both your benefit.
  • Write/draw something else… So you can’t get started on project X? Spend some time on project Y instead, or even one of your own personal projects. Make a list of the top 20 films of the last 10 years. Maybe you just need to get started thinking at all.
  • Mix it up… If you’re a writer, try making an infographic. If you’re into video, try writing a listicle. Even if you don’t get very far, you’ll start generating ideas.
  • Organise something… There’s a reason we all love stationery aisles in shopping centres. If you’re at your desk, try reorganising some of your messiest work folders. You might discover an idea you forgot you had.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start creating!

Read more: 6 tips for creating B2B content marketing

The inspiration for this story was originally spotted on Content Marketing Institute.

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