Are boards being let down by their senior leadership teams?

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In 2017, Australia had a smart-phone adoption rate of 84% (94% for under 24s).

This means we’re a nation of hyper-connectivity, above average for many western countries. 17 million Australians are on Facebook. Most of us check in the moment we wake up and check out just before we turn off the lights.

Hence businesses who ignore mobile as a platform to inform, engage and delight customers do so at their own risk. Boards need to see the online experience as a way to know much more about their customers.

After all, that’s how you start to create better customer experiences.

The Australian Financial Review’s Tony Boyd raises some amber, if not red flags, in his article on this topic.

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An easy return on your digital investment

Most companies spend 10-15% on marketing and over half are going digital. Therefore, boards should be asking to see digital and social insights and results in their board packs. Also, boards need to ensure leadership teams have the strategic thinking and tools necessary to connect with customers.

The beauty of digital is that everything is measurable. However, the real opportunity is in the ability to delight the customer and therefore create positive, friction-less, and outcome-driven experiences – whenever and wherever the customer want.

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Measuring the ROI of investment in digital should be reported as often as possible to help organisations learn. Do more of what works, and less of what doesn’t. Businesses need to track every activity into and away from their websites, digital messaging and social platforms, all the way through to conversion.

Measure the delight and emotion of customers in relation to their total experience – including digital experience – with your brand. Focus on ongoing delivery of experience. Improvements will provide the type of stickiness and advocacy businesses and boards are looking for.

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